
 Hatō zu  (Waves) by Uehara Konen, 1878-1940, Woodblock print

Nothing is there to guard and nothing to demonstrate or practice. Whatever flies off the spindle is perfectly fashioned and equal to the task in the event. Technique is for the birds. The organism is a genius and when left alone in the natural state of being it is perfection itself.” Keith Dowman

How we struggle to perfect ourselves, not realizing our inherent qualities.

Right now beings engaged in meaningless activity.

Karmas, like delusions in a dream.

The nature of mind, all encompassing, all creative, unborn and undying

The unimaginable manifestation of all illusion, spaceless, timeless

Spinning the wheel, crafting prajna

Appearing as nothing and everything



Meditation and non-meditation fade away.

Depend on no-thing.

Forget aspirations and vows.

What is called Buddha; right here, now

How do we realize this as Buddha-moment?

Self improvement is a delusion

Intimate, being as we are.

Letting go of the aspirations to gain anything at all dissolves the compounding of self-serving delusions.

The open hand.

Judgement falls away.

We innately realize the quality of awareness

Returning to it.

We think we are. not it.

Looking deeply into each arising thought and realizing that although it is you and not you, it is unnecessary to play with it until it’s broken.

Already free, never safe, always engaged with perfect, ever expanding chaos.

Light behaves as both a particle and a wave, depending on how it is measured.

Just so, choose carefully how to measure mind!

Let-be, resting as it is in naturally arising non-action; clarity.

Clarity is the genius of the organism.

Buddha nature

the ceaseless manifestation of enlightenment

Being Ocean and Wave

No-thing required.

“Blanket Weaver, Vietnam”
Greg Davis Photography

Deep Peace & Great Love, Issan (author) and Zenho Roshi

SCHEDULE 3/10-3/16

MONDAY, 6:30AM, Zazen at the Teahouse, Dokusan with Issan Sensei

THURSDAY, 6:30AM, Zazen at the Teahouse, Dokusan with Issan Sensei

FRIDAY, 6:30AM, Zazen at the Teahouse, Dokusan with Zenho Roshi

Noah’s Poem

I walk through the cemetery of ancestors

And sit amongst the  

The trees standing like trophies 

Glory glory glory 

I see glory all around me 

Do you see it too? 

The birds are celebrating

Like they always do 

A squirrel wants to play with me 

This tree holds my back and I breathe 

And let this patience 

And this prayer 

Unveil itself 

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